1. School Setup: Easy school account setup cost |
2. Accessible area Through our domain tealearn.org/nems or your school web address e.g yourschoolname.com at a cost |
3. Database Storage: Dedicated or shared database |
4. Multi users access: School owner, teachers, non teaching staff with access privileges, student and parents login via same login form, the software recognize and direct each category of user to their expected location |
School owner and staff features
School owner have access to all the features below, can also assign staff to assist in carrying out the task |
6. Setup subjects |
7. Setup classes |
8. Assign subjects to classes |
9. Setup fees |
10. Keep track of income and expenses |
11. Filter students debt |
12. Setup or register students |
13. Search, view and manage students information |
14. See generated student academic report and breakdown |
15. Save student fees payment, print receipt |
16. Monitor fees balance |
17. Know number of students in school and per class |
18. Know total expected fees payment per class, total amount paid and balance |
19. Save students attendance record and view the report history |
20. Save student test and exam score |
21. Generate class broadsheet |
22. View class grade analysis |
23. Verify student academic record and record additional information, such as special report on affective domain, Reports on psychomotor/skills, Physical development & health Teacher's comments and Principal's remark |
24. Promote students to the next class and demote students to same class for next academic year |
25. Setup teaching staff account |
26. Setup non teaching staff account |
27. Edit teaching and non teaching staff information |
28. Assign access privileges to staff to login and help carry out some task |
29. Edit school information |
30. Internally message whole class, individual student, parents and staff |
31. Internally message whole class, individual student, parents and staff (with SMS integration at a cost) |
32. Digital Classroom |
33. Lesson note |
34. Computer Based Test |
35. Staff Appraisal |
36. Staff Attendance |